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LMAO ANNYEONG CHINGU~ this is KARESIPONEE or BUNUNUH as I preferred to be called. LOOOL I'm teh banana-freak that is oh-so famous for her banana spazzing. LOOOOOLLZZZZ so yeaaah~ I'm weird. But once you befriend me, you'll think the same. LOOOOOL but I'm really kind, ne?? [don't believe to the girl typing right now ROFL] anywaaaay~ hope you like my blog~


LIKES: SIMPLE. DBSK. LOOOOOOOLLLL ESP THE 2KIMS. GAAAAAH! HOTNESS OVERLOAD! GAAAAH. *spazz* YEAH. I like pretty boys. But I like 2Kim+Chun more. LOOOOL HATE: SECRET. I KNOW many would bash me if I say who I hate in here. LMAO *i hate bananas. BELIEVE ME? DON'T. HAHAHAHAHA XDDD*




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The scandal that's making my ears hurt.

I was watching The Buzz a while ago and they were talking about the never-ending, overrated sex scandal of Dr. Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili. As a 15 year old girl, I'm getting tired of hearing this at least once a day for a whole fucking week. Now let me say my opinion. Please don't get offeneded but this is really my opinion. ^^

I have NEVER seen senate act like this in my entire 10 decades and 5 years of breathing. Why can they not act this active when more important issues were there? First of all, I really don't get why senate is taking part of this. Second, why is Katrina only the one who is the victim here? Isn't Hayden also a victim?

I'm getting tired of Katrina making the world show sympathy to her tears. She clearly enjoyed the whole thing. And then she was saying that she didn't know that she was getting taped. Only a fool would believe that. SHE WAS FACING THE FUCKING CAMERA WHEN SHE WAS DOING THE SLUT DANCE!! Anyway, why should she be considered as the only victim when she clearly enjoyed herself?

Why is this the only sex video that is ever publicized? And as what Kris said earlier ( or Boy ^^ ) , where are the other videos? Rumor has it that there are a gazillion videos out there. So where is it? Is something going on here?

FINE FINE!!! I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm becoming fucking serious.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

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